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17 hours ago

The West Stopped Building. That’s Why China is Rising. You’re Still Losing

The factories are gone, but the landlords remain. The machines are silent, but the hedge funds hum. The future shrinks, but the stock market swells.

The decline isn’t fire and ruins. It isn’t war. It’s quieter. Slower. Power and profit steamroll principle and people, and no one stops it because everyone’s in on the take. Not a fall. A gutting. Extraction. Exploitation. Strip it, flip it, ditch it. Democracy, pawned off, gutted for profit, left face-down in the gutter.

The West didn’t lose to China. It sold itself to the highest bidder, piece by piece, contract by contract. The factories that built Detroit, Birmingham, and Los Angeles didn’t just disappear. They stripped the parts. The bagmen turned steel into speculation. Industry into intellectual property. Workers into debtors. They took something bona fide. They replaced it with something fictitious.

Now they panic. DeepSeek wipes a trillion dollars off tech stocks overnight, and they call it a ‘Sputnik moment.’ But the real shock isn’t AI. The real shock is realizing they own nothing but patents and firewalls. They don’t make. They take. They sell subscriptions. They tell you to accept not owning anything.

China manufactures.
Semiconductors: fast, adaptive, backed by the state, and built for the future.
Renewable batteries engineered for endurance.
High-speed rail that shrinks distance and time.
A shipping fleet that moves faster, cleaner, and farther.
Data centers that map a new digital world.
Engines that push the limits of motion.
Renewable energy grids that power cities without pause.
A 6G network that stitches the world into a single connection.
Factories that shape the future, from circuits to skylines.

The U.S. monetizes.
Debt packaged and sold like a product.
Houses turned into hedge fund portfolios.
Healthcare auctions debts to the highest bidder wins.
Wages garnished before they’re paid.
Loans that never end, interest that never stops.
Education transformed into lifelong financial chains.
Water rights traded like poker chips.
Futures markets betting on your groceries.
A financial ecosystem that turns survival into a subscription plan.

The U.S. is not in decline because of China’s ascendancy.
It is falling because it stopped adapting.
Stopped investing.
Stopped caring.
It thought extraction would last forever.

It cannot.

What does failure feel like? (Hint: The ones you voted for don’t have a clue, or worse, they forgot)

You know it already. You live in it. The cost of everything rises, but your wages don’t. Your city feels emptier than it should. Offices are full of consultants, but nothing gets made. Your country’s biggest exports are debt, software updates, and nostalgia.

Your leaders tell you it’s complicated. It’s not.
They closed the factories and told you to “learn to code.”
They sold your energy grids and told you to embrace the renewable future—but they didn’t build the renewables.
They handed tech to monopolies and wondered why innovation stalled.
They made housing an investment and wondered why you couldn’t afford to live.

They tell you globalization did this.

Globalization didn’t force them to gut their industries.
Make them hoard profits instead of reinvesting.
And it sure as hell did not turn education into a luxury instead of a foundation.

That was a choice. Their choice.

Who profits from collapse? (Hint: it ain’t you)

You don’t need to ask where the money went.
It’s up there.
In gilded towers.
Over there.
In offshore accounts.
Hidden there.
In venture capital funds.

The billionaires don’t fear decline. They fear having to share what they stole.

That’s why they tell you it’s your fault. For wanting family time. For expecting dignity. For asking why everything falls apart except the stock market.

They blame unions, immigrants, young people, old people, queer people, short people, fat people, globalization, China, Russia, Iran, climate activists, Artificial Intelligence, right-wing, left-wing, anyone, and everyone.

Unsurprising, they never blame themselves.

They financed the decline.
They engineered it.

And now, they profit from the ruins. They buy your desperation at cut rates and sell it back to you at a premium.
Piece by miserable piece.

The system isn’t broken. It’s perfection.

China didn’t steal the future. It manufactured one.

The real fear is that China will prove them wrong.
That public investment works.
That industrial policy works.
That planning works.
That a country can put people and principles before profit and power.
That houses are for living, not for speculation.
That education opens closed minds.
That profit-driven driven healthcare kills.
That capitalism stifles innovation.

And now, even the Global South is moving on. Trade routes shift. Supply chains reroute. BRICS rises. The dollar weakens. The world has stopped asking for permission.

What happens next? (Hint: it won’t happen without you)

The West has two choices:
1. Rebuild. Invest in industry, education, infrastructure. Make technology work for people instead of trapping them inside walled gardens.
2. Collapse further. Keep draining the system dry. Keep profiting from the wreckage. Keep blaming the outsiders while the core rots from within.

There is no middle ground.

The system is not self-correcting.
The billionaires will not save you.
The politicians will not liberate you.

They will extract every last drop of profit and impose every last grasp for power until nothing is left.

Unless someone stops them.

As of now, no one is coming.
No cavalry.
No savior.
No crisis yet compels a riot, an insurgency, a revolution.

The Resistance stares backward, still mourning a democracy that never existed.
Mistaking the symptoms for the disease.
Raging at the theatrics of American Democracy but ignoring the engine that powers it.

Returning to a past that always placed power and profit over people and principles is folly. There is no point in returning. We must shape our future because the power that built this system will still profit from its demise. They will ride it into the ground because that’s all they know.

We bear witness to failure. It is not happening with a bang, nor an uprising, but with incremental collapse. The machine, on fumes, still churns. The gears, worn with age, slip. However, the bills… still due,
the wages… still thin,
the promises… still broken.

For those who listen closely, there’s another sound beneath the hum of decay.

A hesitation.
A knocking disrupts the rhythm.
A creeping ping revealing the engine is about to break.

Cities where trains run, but jobs are lost. Skylines climb, but communities fall. Roads paved for a future that never arrived.

The weight of an empire doesn’t fall at once. First, it hollows. Rot spreads quietly, through boardrooms and banks, through deals made in whispers, through hands that sign away the last of what was never theirs.

The industries left.
The deficit stayed.
The hope dried.
The need remained.

And still, they tell you to obey.

Wait for the next boom.
Wait for the right leaders.
Wait for tomorrow.
But there is no stability in free fall.

They said the future would be cybernated. But algorithms don't feed a soul starved of food, connection, or dignity. You can’t take shelter within a stock portfolio. You can’t build a future with intellectual property alone.

China shifted the paradigm.

A hyperloop train will travel from Beijing to Shanghai in an hour and a half.
A satellite-to-ground laser will connect Svalbard with King George Island.
A team in Xi’Ian will demonstrate space-based solar power energy production from a satellite in low earth orbit.

The future is not waiting. It never does.

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11 hours ago

Pretty wild.

AND HOWz RUMBLE PRIVACY ~ Today's ENTIRE M.O.A.T.S. show was molested by ZioNaziMossadMafiaTERRORIST Spies. ZERO Rumble RESPONSE. And commercials on Galloway's channel are on triple-time to squeeze MORE MONEY out of those who can least afford to PAY-UP just to get Truth in News w/out the b.s. Ai crap commercials every 3min
~ i could go on but i digress PRIVACY




October 24, 2024
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Of Butterflies & Genocide

By Lee Camp

An orange butterfly taking flight for the first time, unaware of the tempestuous unforgiving yet dazzling world it brightens. The dusty bodies of executed children. These are the two defining images of my weekend. And most painful is their lack of exceptionality. 

Ten days ago my toddler found and pointed out what looked to be a trinket hanging from a brown, fragile plant—A bright green pod hardly bigger than an adult’s thumbnail, crowned by brilliant gold dots reflecting the afternoon sun. How stunning and out-of-place it appeared. It took me a moment to figure out what it was—I had never seen a monarch butterfly cocoon before.

It feels like it doesn’t belong, an ill fitting accessory for the brown shriveling leaves of autumn. It looks more like something an Egyptian pharaoh would be entombed with, right at home alongside ornate ivory hair brushes and flashy golden necklaces. 

Later that day, in between reading about the latest unfathomable atrocities Israel committed, I read up on monarch butterflies and the best temperatures for them to survive the no doubt difficult transformation from caterpillar to majestic kaleidoscopic aerial dream bug. Sure enough I found the odds of her surviving the metamorphosis in 45° F nights on a withering splintering milkweed leaf in the direct path of rambunctious dogs and feral neighborhood children were slim. (The nearly microscopic monarch eggs have a 3% chance of enduring all the way to adult butterflies in the outside elements while they have a 90% chance when brought indoors and given the proper treatment.) 

So I took a brief pause from ingesting yet another article about a small child targeted for death by a Zik (Hermes 450) armed attack drone, nearly silent as it rains death from above. I went outside armed with a pair of scissors and some dental floss—The scissors to cut the leaf and the dental floss to tie around the top of the chrysalis (the cocoon) in order to suspend it from the inside of a small plastic container. 

Over the next week the cherry tomato-sized bauble turned a gripping rich blue like a raging sea of torment and fury. In that time several hundred innocent people were murdered by Israel—In Gaza, Lebanon, the West Bank. 

Occasionally my child, desperately curious about everything both natural and not, would take a look at the dangling chrysalis. Of course since it wasn’t moving, it held his attention 1/100th of the time a matchbox car might. Meanwhile I would peer at it and lose myself in the seething subaquatic abyss, a richness of color that called to mind a collapsing galaxy pulsating with the hopes and desires, anguish and love, pain and passion of legions. Or maybe an expanding galaxy, blossoming into such abundance. …It gripped me.

Israel holds roughly 10,000 Palestinian hostages in its prisons.

On Saturday, after one week in our home, a vibrant orange and black butterfly materialized. I imagine no matter how many times one might see this, it probably always seems magical, otherworldly. How a butterfly fit, metamorphosed, and retailored itself inside that pod I will never understand. 

As Israeli officials brainstormed new and interesting ways to stop food from reaching starving children, my small family of three walked outside to release a new butterfly into the world. I trepidatiously lowered my index finger into the container in front of the tiny flier (lepidoptera) as I saw on a YouTube video, and she crawled slowly onto it as if she knew the plan exactly. 

I then delicately, ever so carefully, held her next to a small violet flower and she snuck onto it, minding the gap. I had read that monarchs will sit still for several hours after greeting the world in order to dry out their wings (and probably take things in, recalibrating to their new reality). She did exactly that before eventually fluttering away, going about her effervescent orange journey. 

Israel fired white phosphorus at UN workers in Lebanon.

The IDF set another hospital in Gaza ablaze.

In hindsight I know why I invested so much time and thought into the growth and maturation toward freedom of a single minuscule creature. It’s tempting to say it was a metaphor for human evolution in a breathtakingly sick, ugly world. To say there’s something better coming. To say humanity sits moments away from breaking out of these stained, sullied dystopian circumstances and into a brand new gleaming reality of possibility and peace. 

But that’s not it. 

I sunk so much emotion into a bug (albeit an attractive one) as a distraction and a projection. As genocide drips down all our screens, a US-backed genocide at that, I desperately needed to help something live, to facilitate freedom and survival. I ached to show my child something beautiful while he’s still at the age before one comprehends the horrors of the evening news.

Projection won’t save the world. Momentary distraction won’t stop one Israeli bomb from falling or secure one sandwich for a single Gazan child.

But perhaps, just maybe, I’m raising a child with empathy and love for all living things. Maybe he’ll be one more person who accepts no justification for ethnic cleansing and war crimes. 

I don’t yet know how to process the moral injury of the true unfettered massacre we’re all absorbing. I don’t know if anyone does. …But there’s one more butterfly in the world. 


(If you see fit, please share this. And if you haven't already, please subscribe for free to my email list at LeeCamp dot com.)

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The Same Tired Script For The US Coup-mongers

by Lee Camp

Have you looked up in the sky recently? What do you see?

If you’re in Venezuela right now, you see vultures. 

As sure as the earth circles the sun, the US ruling elite will never stop trying to collapse Venezuela’s government in order to slurp at their sweet sweet oil and finally triumphantly announce “See! Socialism doesn’t work!” This week we yet again get to witness this redundant tiresome performance.

ACT I: Venezuela’s far-right opposition forces (with a lot of help from U.S. propaganda outlets) say they are going to win the election.

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February 14, 2024
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We Increasingly Live In A Post Inequality World

By Lee Camp

We increasingly live in the post inequality world. And by that, I don’t at all mean there isn’t inequality — HOLY SHIT, there’s TONS of inequality. There’s more inequality than there are fake eyelashes. In fact there’s probably more inequality than ever before. No, I mean that we increasingly live in a world that notices immense inequality about as much as we noticed when the movie Shazam: Fury of The Gods left theaters. (I had to look up the name of that movie because I also didn’t notice that it existed.) 

As covered in Peoples Dispatch, “The wealth of the world’s top five richest men has more than doubled since 2020 while 4.8 billion people, or 60% of humanity, have been further impoverished.”

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