Lee Camp Town
Comedy • News • Politics
A community for fans of Lee Camp who want to discuss the true (censored) problems with our society and the American empire, and how to fix those problems. This is where you'll find the REAL news that is covered up by your mainstream corporate media.
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October 09, 2024
Can you help me?

I had a realization recently. I realized that sometimes I need just comedy. Sometimes I truly need to laugh while I'm learning about the world. And I realized that's probably true for you too.

So I created a podcast called "Just Comedy" that exclusively features my comedy segments. That's all it is. And it's completely free.

Basically all I want from you is to give it a try and give it a rating. You can find it by searching "Just Comedy with Lee Camp" on any podcast platform. I'm also hoping you click the bell icon so that you get alerts with each new episode and give it a good star rating. (On Spotify and many others you can choose to give a podcast a rating.)

Right now it has 6 ratings on Spotify. I'm hoping to get that to 50 ratings in the next few weeks. Can you help me? Even if you don't have time to listen, you can still rate an episode by clicking play and fast forwarding to the end. Then rate it.

I'm also looking to do interviews promoting it - so if you know any shows that talk to comedians, please request they have me on!

Thank you! And let me know what you think!

Keep fighting,

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Live chatted 09/16/2024
September 16, 2024
LIVE: 2nd Trump Assassin / Venezuela Coup Attempt / More

Hey amazing humans! I had to pre-tape today's show because I'm traveling but it's a great episode. I cover the hidden truth about Trump's second assassination attempt PLUS N.P.R. comes after ME again and gets completely dunked on and much more. This episode will go live at 3pm ET/ Noon PT. Hope you enjoy it!

And I'm not sure whether I'll be able to bring you an episode tomorrow. But if not, I'll see you Wednesday for Government Secrets and Thursday for another livestream Dangerous Ideas!

  • Lee
August 09, 2024
SPECIAL EPISODE: Ben Norton on How China Is Changing Everything!

My schedule will be a little different for a few weeks, but check out this special episode with Ben Norton on how China is changing everything, the truth about Venezuela and much more!

The NY Times Is Totally Unhinged! [Comedy Video]

In this short comedy segment, I explain the latest evidence that the New York Times newspaper is of, for, and by insane people!
If you like it, let me know and please share the clip!

9 hours ago

Okay, besides the no evidence claims of a pro- Palestinian group of hackers, think about how we are on the verge of an A.I. capable of massive information analysis, & the archives are attacked? If anyone knows anything about Palestinians they've been oppressed long before, & documented through the invention of the internet.. #my5o'clockshadow🤔


11 hours ago

This video is apparently the basis of Jeremy's "providing aid and comfort to the enemy" charges.

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The Same Tired Script For The US Coup-mongers

by Lee Camp

Have you looked up in the sky recently? What do you see?

If you’re in Venezuela right now, you see vultures. 

As sure as the earth circles the sun, the US ruling elite will never stop trying to collapse Venezuela’s government in order to slurp at their sweet sweet oil and finally triumphantly announce “See! Socialism doesn’t work!” This week we yet again get to witness this redundant tiresome performance.

ACT I: Venezuela’s far-right opposition forces (with a lot of help from U.S. propaganda outlets) say they are going to win the election.

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February 14, 2024
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We Increasingly Live In A Post Inequality World

By Lee Camp

We increasingly live in the post inequality world. And by that, I don’t at all mean there isn’t inequality — HOLY SHIT, there’s TONS of inequality. There’s more inequality than there are fake eyelashes. In fact there’s probably more inequality than ever before. No, I mean that we increasingly live in a world that notices immense inequality about as much as we noticed when the movie Shazam: Fury of The Gods left theaters. (I had to look up the name of that movie because I also didn’t notice that it existed.) 

As covered in Peoples Dispatch, “The wealth of the world’s top five richest men has more than doubled since 2020 while 4.8 billion people, or 60% of humanity, have been further impoverished.”

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January 29, 2024
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If Trump Were President Right Now, Would You Act A Little More Sane?

by Lee Camp

This goes out to all the liberals.

If Trump were president right now would you be furious about the US-backed genocide Israel is perpetrating? 

If Trump were president right now would you be irate about the fact the administration has done nearly nothing about climate crisis

If Trump were president right now would you scream obscenities over the fact that 43 million Americans have student loan debt and the Biden Administration has managed to erase it for a whopping 1/4th of 1% of those struggling people? 

If Trump were president, would you care that the US government can’t provide good healthcare to millions of Americans?

If Trump were president right now would you have your undies in a twist over the US government spending more on military than the bottom 170 countries combined — and spending more every year no matter how much the Pentagon proclaims they have no idea where the money is going

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