Lee Camp Town
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We Increasingly Live In A Post Inequality World
February 14, 2024
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By Lee Camp

We increasingly live in the post inequality world. And by that, I don’t at all mean there isn’t inequality — HOLY SHIT, there’s TONS of inequality. There’s more inequality than there are fake eyelashes. In fact there’s probably more inequality than ever before. No, I mean that we increasingly live in a world that notices immense inequality about as much as we noticed when the movie Shazam: Fury of The Gods left theaters. (I had to look up the name of that movie because I also didn’t notice that it existed.) 

As covered in Peoples Dispatch, “The wealth of the world’s top five richest men has more than doubled since 2020 while 4.8 billion people, or 60% of humanity, have been further impoverished.”

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Re: My two cents on JD.
I began my 12 step journey 40 yrs ago. I was 2 wks shy of my 21st bday. IM a healthy example of an Adult Child of an Alcoholic in recovery!! I don’t wish him ill , but I have a zero tolerance policy for crappy people; I’m selfish about where I spend my energies.

Conversely, were it not for his show + TYT, I would never have seen Graham Elwood, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Maté, Ron Placone or Jordan Chariton’s political humor, integrity and love/work-in-action. So, for me, I’m cool with evolving from that point.


September 10, 2024
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The Same Tired Script For The US Coup-mongers

by Lee Camp

Have you looked up in the sky recently? What do you see?

If you’re in Venezuela right now, you see vultures. 

As sure as the earth circles the sun, the US ruling elite will never stop trying to collapse Venezuela’s government in order to slurp at their sweet sweet oil and finally triumphantly announce “See! Socialism doesn’t work!” This week we yet again get to witness this redundant tiresome performance.

ACT I: Venezuela’s far-right opposition forces (with a lot of help from U.S. propaganda outlets) say they are going to win the election.

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January 29, 2024
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If Trump Were President Right Now, Would You Act A Little More Sane?

by Lee Camp

This goes out to all the liberals.

If Trump were president right now would you be furious about the US-backed genocide Israel is perpetrating? 

If Trump were president right now would you be irate about the fact the administration has done nearly nothing about climate crisis

If Trump were president right now would you scream obscenities over the fact that 43 million Americans have student loan debt and the Biden Administration has managed to erase it for a whopping 1/4th of 1% of those struggling people? 

If Trump were president, would you care that the US government can’t provide good healthcare to millions of Americans?

If Trump were president right now would you have your undies in a twist over the US government spending more on military than the bottom 170 countries combined — and spending more every year no matter how much the Pentagon proclaims they have no idea where the money is going

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January 26, 2024
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Can You Imagine A U.S. Government That Isn’t Constantly Placing Us on The Brink of Nuclear Destruction?

by Lee Camp

Can you imagine having a US government that isn’t constantly putting us all at the cusp of annihilation? Can you? I can’t. It’s like trying to imagine a New York City corner store without a cat sleeping on the bread. Every step of the way, seemingly no matter the president, the US government thrusts us all, naked and scared, into the event horizon of extinction. And every 4 years we vote for them to do it again.

They imperil us and our families and our lives and our carefully coiffed dogs constantly and they’re doing it again right now by supporting Israel’s special genocide operation. Nothing puts nuclear powers around the globe on red alert with their fingers hovering just above the red button like full-on genocide.

But this is just the most recent of many. In case you need a quick refresher:

  1. Iraq - Years of fighting and killing supposedly in order to stop weapons of mass destruction that never existed. The US killed roughly one million people.

  2. Afghanistan - Over 20 years long, a complete disaster with unclear goals. Ostensibly it started in order to get the guys who perpetrated 9/11 even though 15 of 19 hijackers were Saudi. The US spent trillions of dollars and killed roughly 880,000 people

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