What’s Really Happening in Ukraine Right Now?
Getting to the bottom of that is harder than figuring out a David Lynch film while on acid.
Look, no one is arguing that innocent civilians haven’t died in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (provoked by the US and NATO). But are we now at a place where we don’t even care what the truth is? It’s now totally cool for our media to print “Russian Soldiers Eat Entire Ukrainian Orphanage Even Though They Weren’t Even Hungry At The Time!”
Or should we maybe/still care what the reality is even if we’re opposed to the Russian invasion and no one is denying that innocent civilians have died and reality kinda sucks right now – especially with climate change, having to take down our Fresh Prince of Bel Air posters, and I have that stuff growing between my toes. Reality sucks.
But maybe we should still want to know the truth. And if you’ve been paying attention you probably noticed our media has already put out loads of fake news. You’ll recall the US government and others said Russia was going to use chemical weapons. …But it didn’t happen, and then “...three U.S. officials told NBC News there is no evidence Russia has brought any chemical weapons near Ukraine.” Soooo, that whole “Russia’s about to use chemical weapons” story was based on… Mad Libs?? (Oh, that also explains The New York Times headline "Russia Plans To Soupcan Farty Minnesota.")
The US government and others next said “Russia is stockpiling corpses